The Princess

To My Beloved Royalty...

A little more with Sarah's parents.

I've been trying to portray Wendy as being a fierce momma bear, TRYING to do the right thing. I'm glad that portrayal seems to be coming across, right or wrong.

I have great compassion for her, as I was raised in a time when EVERY parent would have held her view, and where that would have been seen as the RIGHT, the responsible, and the loving thing to do. Not too long ago EVERY parent would have held her view, and they would have done so, first and foremost, out of love for their child. However much we 'know better' today, that education that exists today wasn't there, and all experts would have backed Wendy.

That said, I love that orginizations such as Trans Youth Family Allies ( exists today. Please, click on the button for them on this page. In a very real way, I'm doing this strip for THEM and for the families they serve. And hey, if you've extra pennies in your purse after the holidays, they always take donations. REMEMBER.... Education will help all of the little Sarahs out there, growing up today!

I think it's exciting how rapidly the 'Clarks' among parents are spreading, but I'll always have compassion and love for the Wendys of yesteryear and today.

At any rate, in case you were wondering, that's MY view. The debate, thankfully, goes on!
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Guest post by "Zoey"
Awesome dad *__*

Submitted June 25, 2012 at 9:24AM


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best dad ever!!

Submitted November 22, 2015 at 8:41PM


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Guest post by "anonymous"
I wonder if resources hosted by TYFA are available in my language.

Submitted June 5, 2019 at 9:06AM

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