The Princess

To My Beloved Royalty...

Alas, they usually don't let you hug them into submission.
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Guest post by "Rachel"
I'm with Sarah here. I don't feel I'm "battling" anybody or anything, and don't want to battle anybody or anything. I just want to live my life. And I am certainly no one's role model--I'm far too flawed for that.

Submitted August 5, 2013 at 2:36AM

Heather Rose

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Guest post by "Heather Rose"
::giggling:: I just imagned Irma overhearing Sarah and creating a monstrous hugger robot. Wink

Submitted August 5, 2013 at 11:11AM


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Guest post by "Anonymous"

Submitted August 5, 2013 at 7:59PM


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Guest post by "Allie"
*sigh* personally I do spend a lot of my time and energy fighting oppression, but my gender/existence itself as a political statement? Um, no. That attitude (particularly from cis people) annoys me as much as TERF crap, to be honest. Apart from anything else, good intentions aside it still implies my natural/default state is a gender other than the one I ID as

Submitted August 6, 2013 at 7:47AM


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Quote from Guest:
Guest post by "Allie"
*sigh* personally I do spend a lot of my time and energy fighting oppression, but my gender/existence itself as a political statement? Um, no. That attitude (particularly from cis people) annoys me as much as TERF crap, to be honest. Apart from anything else, good intentions aside it still implies my natural/default state is a gender other than the one I ID as

As I see it, the problem here is that she's appreciating Sarah for WHAT she is rather than for WHO she is.

Submitted August 6, 2013 at 9:47PM


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Guest post by "Anonymous"
Nobody else liked the link I posted to the video of hugging your oppressors into submission? =(

Submitted August 7, 2013 at 3:41PM


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Guest post by "Rachel"
You're absolutely right, Christine--I kind of resent that Molly thinks Sarah, and all other trans people, are only doing what they do to say, "Look at me! I'm such a radical!" As I've no doubt said here before, I want to blend in, not stand out.

The Mollys of the world prove that even the sympathetic miss the point (and that includes friends of mine, who accept me but think I'm just another form of gay man).

Submitted August 7, 2013 at 8:33PM


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I liked it, Guest.

Absolutely, Rachel. I find that I attract a pretty fair number of people who are super enthused because I'm transgender and make art about it. But, of those, a fair number imprint their values upon me and insist that I must share them. They feel betrayed when my thoughts and opinions do not match up with theirs, and in some cases become very angry about it. These are people who do not care to find out who I am, they're only interested in me in so much as I conform to their preconceived notions of who they think I SHOULD be. And, because I sometimes have trouble being tactful when I'm frustrated and sometimes attack rather than handle myself in a calmer, more measured way, it sometimes blows up into enormous, frustrating messes.

So, we have Molly. She's super psyched that Sarah's transgender, but (so far at least) is doing nothing to actually get to know her.

Submitted August 8, 2013 at 9:03AM


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Guest post by "Allie"
As I see it, the problem here is that she's appreciating Sarah for WHAT she is rather than for WHO she is.

Agreed, thats an issue too.  Although less of one IMO insofar as our "who"s can only really be perceived by others - directly, at least - as a large and complex collection of "what"s.  Of course we're more than that, but we can't experience each other's consciousness directly

Submitted August 10, 2013 at 6:41AM


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Guest post by "shinta"

 As I see it, the problem here is that she's appreciating Sarah for WHAT she is rather than for WHO she is.

Agreed, thats an issue too.  Although less of one IMO insofar as our "who"s can only really be perceived by others - directly, at least - as a large and complex collection of "what"s.  Of course we're more than that, but we can't experience each other's consciousness directly

well said

Submitted December 31, 2015 at 9:19AM

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