The Princess

To My Beloved Royalty...

It seems like a lot of you have strong opinions on this issue. I'll be interested in seeing how the conversation continues.

SORRY for the image delay. Completely my fault.
The issues with DrunkDuck, on the other hand, are out of my control. ;')

At any rate, enjoy.

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 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Ozaline"
I see neither the comic nor the comments D:

Submitted September 2, 2013 at 12:20AM


 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Rachel"
Not again :(

Had this just the other week.

Submitted September 2, 2013 at 12:52AM


 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Anonymous"
Yes, it looks like something is Not Right here. Not to mention that the DrunkDuck side of things - not just you, either - has been down for two weeks at least now.

Submitted September 2, 2013 at 7:09AM


 Quote  Reply     

It should be showing up now, folks. Mea culpa.

Submitted September 2, 2013 at 11:27AM

The AnneKrog

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Guest post by "The AnneKrog"
Hello! I've been trying to send you a message about linking you to my website, but the form thingy doesn't seem to work. Is there any chance you can mail/message me back so I can discuss it?
(Sorry to be a bother)
-The AnneKrog

Submitted September 2, 2013 at 2:55PM

Rachel Ann

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Guest post by "Rachel Ann"
Huh.. my comment for Friday never posted. Well, it was pretty much in agreement with the others who felt talking to the newspaper reporter may not be a good idea, and could lead to a difficult time for Sarah.

Today's comic makes me feel a little better. I hope Clark and Wendy do talk to each other and give it some thought. Maybe check out other articles done by this reporter to get an idea what and how he writes and what considerations he gives his subjects. I'd hate to see Sarah or her parents hurt by someone who might have a sensationalist writing approach.

Submitted September 3, 2013 at 7:29AM


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Guest post by "flitterella"
Typical parents, getting carried away with their own points of view without considering Sarah's. I think she's pretty well shown herself to be more than capable of weighing in on these things, they should really sit her down and have a conversation about all of this, with all sides getting listened to.

Submitted September 3, 2013 at 7:55AM


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Guest post by "Rachel"
I agree with both Rachel Ann and "flitterella". The mere fact that a reporter would call Sarah's mom, out of the blue, to interview Sarah makes me suspicious immediately. One gets the impression that the only thing this reporter's thinking is, "Wow! Transgender kid? That could really sell papers!" So yeah, I'd definitely be looking at this person's other articles, and the paper he works for would get a great deal of scrutiny from me as well. Is it a respectable paper, or a scandal rag? The answer to that question would greatly influence my decision.

And yes, this provides Sarah with an introduction to the real world, and the realities of being transgender. She needs to learn that even seemingly well-meaning people could end up using her.

Submitted September 3, 2013 at 1:33PM

Eldest David

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Guest post by "Eldest David"
Oh no, i found this webcomic just tonight. its really helped me to clear my thinking and to help calm me so much. I've read every panel so far and am so sad that there is not more right now. i really enjoyed this comic because it actually has a message ive needed to hear for a long long time. Thank you for this so much.
-David the meek

Submitted September 5, 2013 at 3:05AM


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Quote from Guest:
Guest post by "Rachel Ann"
Huh.. my comment for Friday never posted. Well, it was pretty much in agreement with the others who felt talking to the newspaper reporter may not be a good idea, and could lead to a difficult time for Sarah.

Today's comic makes me feel a little better. I hope Clark and Wendy do talk to each other and give it some thought. Maybe check out other articles done by this reporter to get an idea what and how he writes and what considerations he gives his subjects. I'd hate to see Sarah or her parents hurt by someone who might have a sensationalist writing approach.

Did you get my reply?

Submitted September 5, 2013 at 5:38PM


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Rachel and Rachel and Flit, you all make very good points. Let's hope they are guided by wisdom.

David, I am deeply grateful my strip has been able to be with you in what sounds like a difficult time. Royal blessing to you from Her Highness and me.

Submitted September 5, 2013 at 5:42PM

Rachel Ann

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Guest post by "Rachel Ann"

Quote from Pinkbatmax:
Did you get my reply?

You mean the one you posted a couple minutes later, to the two Rachels an Flit? Yes, it came through. Thanks!

Submitted September 6, 2013 at 4:39AM


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Guest post by "mari"
Little late on the comment writing, alas, but I had to have my say. I think Sarah is too young to be shoved into the spotlight just yet. At least, not without a ton and ton of research into that particular paper and reporter, and then LOTS of lovely, fine print writing contracts that the paper and reporter will have to sign. Just to keep her safe.

Submitted July 18, 2016 at 6:23PM

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