The Princess

To My Beloved Royalty...

More insight into Penny's origins.
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Rachel Newstead

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Guest post by "Rachel Newstead"
You know, I've been looking at the young Penny in the flashback strips, and considering how boyish she looks...well, this might sound crazy, but I get the idea she and Sarah might have something in common. 

Submitted October 31, 2013 at 11:06PM


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Guest post by "Rachel"
Not surprising, Bullies are usually bullied themselves - by one or both parents.

Submitted November 1, 2013 at 2:32AM


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Guest post by "Tyler"
Rachel- I think it's more likely that Penny was just neglected, hence her unkempt hair and clothes.

Submitted November 1, 2013 at 6:44AM


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Guest post by "Rachel"
Nonetheless, a bad influence.

Submitted November 1, 2013 at 6:54AM


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Guest post by "Chengrel"
If Penny was AFAB and was forced to suppress their trans feelings, it would explain why Penny hates Sarah so much.

Submitted November 1, 2013 at 2:11PM


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Guest post by "z"
I have to agree with Tyler. It's /possible/, but I see it as unlikely. Now that Penny is old enough to take care of herself more- she's brushing her hair and styling it nicely, she wears nicer clothes that look good on her, etc. That suggests, to me, that her parents never cared about her appearance- hence the scruffiness and dull clothing- and now that she's old enough to do something about it herself, she chooses a good appearance.

She's just a kid who has had far too many problems at home, likely never gotten the support she needs to handle that, and now takes out those pent up feelings on others. Sarah is an easy target because she won't fight back, so comes off as no risk, and it's socially acceptable to attack trans people. Her actions aren't excusable, but I really don't think it's because she's trans.

Submitted November 1, 2013 at 6:55PM


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GREAT discussion folks!

Submitted November 3, 2013 at 5:54PM

Being Useful

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Guest post by "Being Useful"
I mainly just want to know where I can get one of those cool anti-grav floaty cigarettes.

Submitted November 3, 2013 at 11:47PM


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Guest post by "sleepyrobin"
How old would Penny be in this flashback?

Submitted November 3, 2013 at 11:50PM

Rachel Newstead

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Guest post by "Rachel Newstead"
I always assumed Penny was a bit older than the other kids, around 12, and Chuck about 8, so she's perhaps about four here?

OK, folks, I admit my theory about Penny being trans is a bit loopy, but I didn't pull that out of the air. Aside from her appearance, I thought it explained her behavior toward Sarah (jealousy because Sarah has supportive, loving parents) and the whole "cousin/sibling" thing. If Penny WAS originally a boy and presenting as a girl, I could see the mom rejecting her ("don't tell anybody you're my kid!") but being too drunk to stop her. 

Aside from that, it just seemed like the perfect sort of twist that Christine would spring on us.... LOL

Submitted November 4, 2013 at 12:16AM


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Guest post by "Allie"
> You know, I've been looking at the young Penny in the flashback strips, and considering how boyish she looks...well, this might sound crazy, but I get the idea she and Sarah might have something in common.
Hmm, if you're saying she's AMAB, which was my initial interpretation, I don't think there's anything to indicate that here - until puberty sex can't be distinguished visually at all (other than genitals obviously).  I also don't think there's anything to suggest dysphoria about being gendered female (which can't be inferred from presentation etc)

Submitted November 5, 2013 at 1:36PM


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Guest post by "Allie"
> If Penny WAS originally a boy and presenting as a girl
Ugh, I hope you're not suggesting that as a definition of trans femaleness  Tsktsk  ThumbsDown

Submitted November 5, 2013 at 1:39PM


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Guest post by "z"
@Rachel- you think she's a trans girl, not a trans boy? I see that as even less likely. Her mother is being portrayed as a violent person in this strip- I REALLY doubt that she'd be "too drunk to stop her". Drunks are hardly known for being incapable of abusing children. Besides which- she's clearly now in a situation where she's 100% accepted as a girl. Why would she so resent Sarah if she's in a situation where she's accepted as and free to be herself?

Also, I appreciate that you raised this point before the newest comic, but the newest comic completely disproves it: her parents are using female pronouns. They would not be doing that if she were AMAB.

Submitted November 6, 2013 at 6:22PM

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