The Princess

To My Beloved Royalty...

Something about dolls. Whenever I renew my CPR card and have to hold the little baby CPR dummies, I kinda melt. True story.
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Guest post by "z"
Poor kid.... I hope she's able to have a kid someday, because it seems like that's something she'd want. A lot of trans folk do, but the odds aren't in your favor after transition.

Submitted January 6, 2014 at 8:23AM

Rachel Ann

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Guest post by "Rachel Ann"
For myself, our youngest (of five) was three years old when I started to transition. Since I'm married and have a family, I've had to walk the line between her/him to this day.

Now when the grandchildren start showing up... I don't know. It'll be between the son and his wife (we've five boys) who they'd like their kids to know me as. I know what I'd like to be called, but of course I'll honor the wishes of the parents.

Submitted January 6, 2014 at 9:46AM

Cactus Wren

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Guest post by "Cactus Wren"
Yeah, some people would think Sarah was a little old for dolls -- but Sarah never had a doll, did she?  She only ever had the toys people thought were appropriate for "Seth".  Poor kid.

Submitted January 7, 2014 at 12:41AM


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In fairness, we don't know what toys Sarah has, since that's never been discussed.. She could well have gotten dolls from her dad that she played with at his house.

And given the popularity of "reborn" dolls among grown women, I don't think there's such a thing as "too old" anymore....

Submitted January 7, 2014 at 2:19AM


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Guest post by "z"
I don't know if Eve's Apple has been moved off of Drunk Duck or not, and I can't get the Duck to load. Sarah's cameo in that, it seemed like she was at the start of this series (based on her outfit). I remember she had a barbie doll- I don't remember where she got it. It's possible Lucy bought it for her, though, I'm pretty sure she did after realizing she had nothing for a kid to play with around. I don't know if that cameo is canon in The Princess or not.

It's true- we can't really say whether she had dolls or not. Even if she had them with her dad, though, she probably didn't have them at her mom's and that's where she spends most of her time. I'm not sure what the visitation schedule was like- if it was only every other week, that's not loads of time. I agree that there's no such thing as "too old", many people love their dolls well into adulthood, but there's the perception of "too old to actively play with dolls even if you have one sitting on the shelf" after a certain age.

Submitted January 7, 2014 at 10:23AM


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Wooo! Awesome, JD! Now I HAVE to draw more!!!!

Also, I'd forgotten the Varonica Vapid doll totally. Y'all have a better memory than I!

Submitted January 10, 2014 at 1:14PM

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