The Princess

To My Beloved Royalty...

Welp. Here we are. It's been a long time comin'.

By the bye, if you go to my tumblr, you can see some strips I've done with more critter art to talk about, come to terms with agoraphobia. The top one is the more recent, so read it second and the one beneath first:  I don't anticipate making a whole lot of these as it's a pretty limited concept but still. There they are.

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"Well, here we are", indeed. The moment I know I've certainly been waiting for since I started reading your strip three years ago. Though honestly, I can't imagine it turning out any other way. 

Wendy was never an ogre--if she was resistant at first, it was only because worst-case scenarios kept playing over and over in her mind, and she didn't want Sarah to be a statistic. I find it very hard to fault her for that.

What surprises me is how soon Wendy got to this point. I know, it's not "soon" from our perspective, certainly, but I figured she would have punished Sarah first by not allowing her to be in "girl mode" for awhile, until Sarah had regained her trust. Then again, maybe she figured Sarah had suffered enough already.

Now for the exciting part--what next? So many possibilities. I know there are so many other stories to be told; Sarah has to make up with Irma, after all, and win over Chuck. And dare I say, Penny as well?

There's one loose plot thread so far that's been concerning me--the reporter who wants to interview Sarah. Am I correct in assuming his attempts at getting a story out of Sarah and her family are going to get a little more aggressive and sneaky? Maybe a lot more?

Submitted July 13, 2014 at 10:19PM


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Guest post by "Anonymous"
Wendy's greatest fear is seeing her child hurt. Forcing Sarah to start going to school as a boy, refusing to let her present as a girl anymore, would put her in far more danger than accepting this, and Wendy knows it.

Wendy's already accepted Sarah for who she is, not 100%, but close enough. She knows that her child is happier when presenting as a girl, and has done what she can to give Sarah as many *safe* times to present as herself. But the world is cruel and she wasn't ready to risk putting her child in danger. This hesitance was amplified when Sarah was hospitalized for being trans. Now she knows that Sarah can go to school without risk, why would she go back on that?

She's giving a month-long punishment, and that's just the start, but the punishment fits the crime.

Submitted July 14, 2014 at 5:36AM


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Guest post by "Anonymous"
I think you have a typo in the first panel, 'lied to me for me for MONTHS-'

Otherwise excellent.

Submitted July 14, 2014 at 12:56AM

Being Useful

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Guest post by "Being Useful"
Her hair looks cute that way.

Submitted July 14, 2014 at 3:49AM


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Guest post by "Jacqui"

Submitted July 14, 2014 at 5:44AM


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Guest post by "Rainey"
Yaaaaaay! A celebration I say!  Ballons

Submitted July 14, 2014 at 1:59PM


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Guest post by "Asharella"
It The Princess story was real instead of art and there was an article about her and Wendy at some place like the Huffington Post, I know there would be comments that Wendy is a bad parent, that she must have wanted a girl and is forcing her child to be a girl.

Submitted July 14, 2014 at 8:32PM


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Guest post by "sleepyrobin"
Yep, I've seen comments of that sort.  Sometime arguing that the parents should force the child to stay with the gender assigned at birth until adulthood, and THEN let them decide.  (After puberty has made it a lot harder.)

Submitted July 15, 2014 at 12:14AM


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Guest post by "Ravenbird"
Will Sarah and her mother now change the gender on her Identity documents like her pass or birth certificate (i dont know the law in the USA) ?
If she now lives as a girl she will need something official for her status in law ???

Submitted July 15, 2014 at 4:05AM

cheese burger girl

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Guest post by "cheese burger girl"
I luv your comic and was first introduced to it in a book i bought.
and thank you for not going into what i call a dark arc and having Wendy get angry and ban Sarah from being herself.
If my parents were even a quarter as nice as Sarah parents maybe I could have some confidence in me too. Wendy is not bad she just loves to much and worries too much i think.

Submitted July 15, 2014 at 12:22PM


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Quote from Ravenbird:
Guest post by "Ravenbird"
Will Sarah and her mother now change the gender on her Identity documents like her pass or birth certificate (i dont know the law in the USA) ?
If she now lives as a girl she will need something official for her status in law ???

She wouldn't be able to get her birth certificate changed until she actually has reassignment surgery, but yes, other official documents definitely do need to be changed. (Her school records especially). No one has brought this up, but she would of course need counseling before any of the other stuff. The counselor so far has spoken to Wendy and Clark, but I don't think he's seen Sarah yet.

Submitted July 15, 2014 at 3:01PM


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I'm probably not going to jump into a changing ID storyline. I'm not sure how interesting I could make that story. Besides, it seems like that would first become pressing about the time she goes for a driver's permit, and that's years off.

Submitted July 17, 2014 at 5:01PM

Cactus Wren

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Guest post by "Cactus Wren"
And God knows Sarah's "boy clothes" are little enough worn that there's plenty of use left in them!

Submitted July 27, 2014 at 2:47AM

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