The Princess

To My Beloved Royalty...

I hope y'all have been enjoying the basking.

Coming up, more Jules! And he MIGHT even speak! ;') Seriously, I have an arc starting with him that I hope you'll enjoy.

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Guest post by "Mari"
Hello! Your website doesn't like me much. Keeps saying my email isn't valid and such, so it won't let me email you. But I suppose I can try comment!

I love your comics Eve and Princess. I just learned of them both today and read the entirety (so far) of both today!
I didn't even know they were both yours, it was a crazy coincidence that the two comics I decided to check out happened to both be yours. XD
I read two strips in each, then picked one to read first. I only noticed when Sarah showed up in Eve's that they were both yours. And that's awesome.

You're great at this stuff. And I hope I get to read much more from you.

Submitted July 24, 2014 at 10:58PM


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Guest post by "Ravenbird"
in the celebration mood for Sarah and Wendy we have somewhere all missed:

"Shelter" was the five hundredth The Princes comic!

Congratulations for 500 episodes! (Sorry it came 3 episodes too late)  Ballons


I have an large request:
The series has now already a lot of secondary characters. And if they only appear every now and then it will slowly hard to tell who is who again.

Is it possible to create something like a dramatis personae?

Submitted July 24, 2014 at 11:17PM


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Guest post by "Rainey"
This.....brings tears to my eyes. It's so beautiful. ='3

Submitted July 24, 2014 at 11:17PM

Being Useful

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Guest post by "Being Useful"
The rules of dramatic writing make me sad to think this is just a calm before the storm. Confused

Submitted July 25, 2014 at 3:06AM

Charis Maloy

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Guest post by "Charis Maloy"
you have a second comic? how did I not no this? *goes to find Eve*

Submitted July 25, 2014 at 8:22AM


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Guest post by "TheLastInLine"

Quote from Being Useful:
Guest post by "Being Useful"
The rules of dramatic writing make me sad to think this is just a calm before the storm. Confused

I think I wrote something similar to this when Basanti and Mars were watching a movie together. And all that we got after that was a flashback. But it has been quite some time since something really bad (by the standards of this comic. Something like Sarah getting hit with a stone) happened. But then again we've been wrong before.

Submitted July 25, 2014 at 7:49PM


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Why not just enjoy the moment for what it is? I'm continually bewildered and a little dismayed at how constantly people predict "bad things happening".

Yes, there'll always be conflicts. Because it's a story. Based on life. But I feel like some of y'all aren't bothering to enjoy the nice moments, because you're really focussed on bad things happening in the future.  It's kind of sad, because I'm really proud of all my moments, and I work hard to make the joyous ones feel nice and warm and fuzzy and stuff. And... I dunno... when I do I wonder if I'm wasting my time because many people see happy moments and joys and brightness and it just makes them sad. I work to convey something lovely and a good number can only see portents of doom. I hope when I create these they'll be appreciated for what they are, you know? Yes, bad things happen. But that doesn't make the good things any less good. As true in this comic as it is in life.

Live in the now. ;')

A dramatis personae..... yes, I will do that. Confused I knoooow I need to.

Other strips: Eve's Apple NOTE: the most recent one is a bit NSFW.

Also, you can see a short series, "Maxy The Agoraphobic Bat here: All ages,

Last edited by Pinkbatmax
Edited 2 time(s).

Submitted July 25, 2014 at 10:36PM


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Although,,,, Rainey. Thank you. =)

Submitted July 25, 2014 at 10:54PM


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Guest post by "Thelastinline"

Quote from Pinkbatmax:
Why not just enjoy the moment for what it is? I'm continually bewildered and a little dismayed at how constantly people predict "bad things happening".

Yes, there'll always be conflicts. Because it's a story. Based on life. But I feel like some of y'all aren't bothering to enjoy the nice moments, because you're really focussed on bad things happening in the future.  It's kind of sad, because I'm really proud of all my moments, and I work hard to make the joyous ones feel nice and warm and fuzzy and stuff. And... I dunno... when I do I wonder if I'm wasting my time because many people see happy moments and joys and brightness and it just makes them sad. I work to convey something lovely and a good number can only see portents of doom. I hope when I create these they'll be appreciated for what they are, you know? Yes, bad things happen. But that doesn't make the good things any less good. As true in this comic as it is in life.

I'm sorry if I offended you with my comments. That wasn't my intention. Maybe I'm a bit jaded. The kind of media I usually consume (be it comics, movies, video games or TV Shows) ist usually of the more dark and sinister variety. So I'm used to peacful and happy scenes just being a set-up for something terrible that is about to happen. I guess I should watch less Game Of Thrones or Park Chan-Wook movies. It's not that I don't like happy scenes like this. It is great that Sarahs mother is finally accepting her daughter for what she is and that both are happy. I'm just always expecting the worst.

Submitted July 26, 2014 at 5:02AM

Being Useful

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Guest post by "Being Useful"
Well, it's a story with characters we're invested in.

"Everything's beautiful" is a typical crescendo. It could be all happy and sunshine, but most works use that as either "the end" or "famous last words".

So, while it could go any way you want(and will), the knee jerk reaction is one of "Oh no!"

If everything stays happy for a bit, that's cool. Just, not something normally expected.

Kind of like when the hero gets the love interest in an action movie, you know they're dead in the sequel. Not that you want them dead, just, that's typically how it's written. When you've seen enough sequels, you start feeling bad about the love interest long before they actually are toe tagged. Sometimes it's surprising and it works out. However, statistically, if you're a love interest, you shouldn't expect to make it to the second movie.

Submitted July 27, 2014 at 12:21AM

Being Useful

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Guest post by "Being Useful"
Also, I'd like to note, your interpretation is odd.

You're not wasting your time.

Firstly, it's generally noted that you should make things for you, and if other people like it, so be it. That's the best way to be happy with your creations. As long as you enjoy making it, you're doing good.

Secondly, there's no desire for bad things to happen. This is a comic with a coherent plot, though. When you have a plot, people always wonder what will happen next.

If that really bothers you, you could always do something like garfield, where nothing ever changes, it's just a string of disjointed jokes based on the same singular premise. Nobody ever wonders "What will happen next?" in garfield. He'll eat lasagna, make fun of Jon, and boot Odie. He's been doing that every day for almost 40 years now, and will continue doing it so long as Jim Davis lives. You can stop reading garfield, and pick it up days, months, years, even decades later, without ever reading the ones in between, and still understand the latest comic. Every garfield comic is "in the moment", but that's because that's all that exists--that moment. All others before and after are meaningless to the one you're looking at.

You should actually be happy about those with predictions of any kind, including woe. It means we care enough about the characters to care what happens to them, and it means that you've told a good enough story that we'll be back next episode. If it's tragic, we'll be sad. If it's joyous, we'll be happy. However, we will be back.

Submitted July 27, 2014 at 1:00AM

Niceguy Eddie

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Guest post by "Niceguy Eddie"

Nature of the medium I suppose: When things are THAT bad, they can only get better. (I'LL RISE! Holy crap - that still gives me shivers to this day!)  And when things are good... well, damned if this world ain't full of miserable people who can't stand the thought of some other miserable person being slightly less miserable for a little while.  And, hey: We all know Sarah can handle it - the inspiring part is seeing HOW!

All that being said? These last few strip's have been absolutely beautiful.

Submitted July 27, 2014 at 3:07PM

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