The Princess

To My Beloved Royalty...

Folks, I love the discussion we had on the last episode!

So, I know BeingUseful speculated on Sarah finding a new crown, and..... sorta called it on this episode. I have the trajectory of her headwear plotted out, but... well. Here we are, now.

I think I need a "question of the day" because I love your discussion and I learn stuff from you, so.....

Is there any one item, any garment or accessory that has deep significance to you, representing important things in your own journeys?

I have no ONE thing, but my mom makes jewelry, and wearing her jewelry is very deeply significant to me, representing her love and acceptance.

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Listening Daisy

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Guest post by "Listening Daisy"
At my old high school, I had a best friend who I was really close to (I still am, but she's in college now). I learned the oral form of a language for her, had a crush on her (which is unrequited), cooked her favorite foods to cheer her up and was so close to her parents say we are like sisters. She is really good at embroidery and has made me little embroidered things. I treasure everything, but my favorite is a little embroidered house she made. It's so cute and small. Holding it reminds me of her and it is very important to me.

Submitted February 15, 2015 at 7:19PM


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Guest post by "anonnynon"
there was a music box my neighbor had that to this day is the only thing that calms me down

Submitted February 15, 2015 at 8:34PM

Being Useful

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Guest post by "Being Useful"
I find it extremely interesting glancing back and forth between panel 2 and the webpage background.

Submitted February 15, 2015 at 10:14PM


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Guest post by "Bairus"
For me, it is a poem. 

       When shadow comes to claim our souls,
Some must rise - the light of old.

Names in stone, spirits of legend.
Deeds unknown, yet never forgotten.

These are the Duranin!

Of honor within and of fear without.
Remember them, when in hope you doubt.

I hope by sharing this poem I help someone else out of a whole, like I was in when I found it...

Submitted February 15, 2015 at 11:04PM

Nestor Notabilis

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Guest post by "Nestor Notabilis"
I'm sort of still thinking about the last question. I had/have no idea how to answer because I think at the moment I mostly feel confused and wonder whether I 'count'. I also wonder how much my tendency towards what I see as masculine is influenced by the very negative view of women and what they could accomplish where I grew up.

For todays- I don't get attached to clothes much. If I had to pick a thing I'd go with a story- Thor and Loki's journey to Utgard.

Submitted February 16, 2015 at 1:19AM


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Guest post by "Bonnie"
I think for me it's having a bright, floral shirt of all things. I love that they can be somewhat obnoxious/unusual, and well, This means that I'm wearing a lot of colors as well. My wardrobe tends toward color, with either black pants or jeans as the accent. :-D

Submitted February 16, 2015 at 10:05AM


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Guest post by "Marissa"
I have a feary with wings of fire as my necklace, rarely take it off.. for a long time it was a tangible reminder of who I am, even when I felt terrible due to not being out and.. yeah.

Now I'm a full time lady and she's still there. We're good.

Submitted February 16, 2015 at 7:36PM


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Guest post by "Rainey"
Does hair count as an accessory? ^^

I haven't cut it (trimmed yes, but not CUT cut) for over 10 years, and it's really long; past my behind. People see it as an inconvenience, especially since my profession demands that I put it up high and tight, and it can really strain my head sometimes. But I find that it really symbolizes who I am, if that makes sense, and if I were to chop it all off and look into the mirror, I would see a stranger. So I put up with the remarks about how I must be Amish or I'm a terrible person because I'm growing it out for me and not to harvest for wigs. Because at the end of the day, when the work clothes are gone, I can look in the mirror and see the real me. I think one of my favorite singers put it best: 'I'm the spirit of my hair, it's the glory that I bear.'

Submitted February 16, 2015 at 10:05PM


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Quote from Rainey:
Guest post by "Rainey"
Does hair count as an accessory? ^^
I haven't cut it (trimmed yes, but not CUT cut) for over 10 years, and it's really long; past my behind. People see it as an inconvenience, especially since my profession demands that I put it up high and tight, and it can really strain my head sometimes. But I find that it really symbolizes who I am, if that makes sense, and if I were to chop it all off and look into the mirror, I would see a stranger. So I put up with the remarks about how I must be Amish or I'm a terrible person because I'm growing it out for me and not to harvest for wigs. Because at the end of the day, when the work clothes are gone, I can look in the mirror and see the real me. I think one of my favorite singers put it best: 'I'm the spirit of my hair, it's the glory that I bear.'


Hmm.... I think for the purposes of this question, I'mma say "yes".

On my forearms I have tattoos on the right Wonder Woman and on the left, Supergirl. They are my totems of feminine strength, power, and compassion.

Submitted February 19, 2015 at 2:41PM

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