The Princess

To My Beloved Royalty...

Yeah. I'll miss the stetsons and bubble helmets..... Luckily, Irma is Irma. Or sometimes Irving. Or something else entirely......
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Guest post by "Will"
That's Irma's Irving hat! Or Irving's Irving hat? That's that hat that Ir* wore as Irving that day back then!!

Also hello *does a little wave*. New reader here.

Submitted March 29, 2015 at 8:10PM


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Quote from Will:
Guest post by "Will"
That's Irma's Irving hat! Or Irving's Irving hat? That's that hat that Ir* wore as Irving that day back then!!

Also hello *does a little wave*. New reader here.

Howdy! Welcome!
And yes, really good eye! In fairness, I stole it from the Archie Comics character Jughead. ;') But I thought it would be neat to see where that came from.

Submitted March 29, 2015 at 8:55PM


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Guest post by "harmony"
i'm interested to see how this goes!

Submitted April 13, 2015 at 6:12PM

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