The Princess

To My Beloved Royalty...

Just for the record: It's Iced Tea.

Not Ice Tea.



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Nestor Notabilis

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Guest post by "Nestor Notabilis"
That probably shouldn't make me chuckle as much as it does. Oh and you've got  new patreon button! Awesome.

Submitted April 24, 2015 at 12:29AM

Being Useful

 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Being Useful"
No, I'm completely certain it's Ice Tea.

Submitted April 24, 2015 at 8:05AM

Kamino Neko

 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Kamino Neko"
And now we know why Red Dad is no longer one of the Dads?

Submitted April 24, 2015 at 10:54AM


 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Rainey"
Down here we say sweet tea; ice is just implied. Wink

Submitted April 24, 2015 at 11:50AM

Niceguy Eddie

 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Niceguy Eddie"
How's everything going, Christine? Are you OK?

Submitted April 24, 2015 at 2:03PM


 Quote  Reply     

Hey friends, a little bit of news.

I've made some changes to the way the comment system works. Spammers were getting past at an alarming rate. One comic actually had over 300 spammy posts on it. Google contacted me and said they were going to blacklist this site, unless it was corrected, because of links to bad sites.
 So I had to get tough.  Warning

I rewrote code, then spent another 4 hours clearing all the spam out.  You can enjoy a nice clean site now.  However, keeping it clean is going to require some changes.

The comment system will search new posts for spammy words. If found, the post will be locked out and won't be visible. Also, if a post contains links, either in the name or the post itself, it will be flagged for moderation. Christine or one of her moderators can easily approve posts, and they will appear in the order they were posted. (the link in your name is only flagged if you change it, or if you have not used it before. It also only does it once per change)

I am working on a reputation system which will allow you to post a link or two without moderation, but that will take a bit longer.

Some good news:  You may now edit your posts, even as a guest, for up to one hour after posting. ThumbsUp

Of course, you may sign up with the site as a member, and most of these restrictions are lifted.

So, have fun, don't worry, and if you need any help jump up and down and scream a lot so I can see you. *don't really scream, the neighbors get grouchy*

Submitted April 24, 2015 at 5:25PM


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Guest post by "Peaches"
Iced Tea vs Ice Tea vs Sweet Tea.
A rose by an other name would smell as sweet.

I'm always hearing people say, "I could care less!"  But really, if they 'could' care less, then they must still care. Shouldn't it be, "I couldn't care less"?
Also, to above... great!

Submitted April 24, 2015 at 8:36PM

Being Useful

 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Being Useful"
Whenever someone brings up the "I could care less" thing, I have to wonder how badly the art of sarcasm is lost on them.

Their grasp of it must just be awesome!

Submitted April 25, 2015 at 5:42AM


 Quote  Reply     

Quote from Niceguy Eddie:
Guest post by "Niceguy Eddie"
How's everything going, Christine? Are you OK?


I've simply deactivated my social media. I'm sick of rabid ideologues, sick of condescension. I was just lectured to about how trans women are economically disempowered. Me, having lost jobs for who I am, not having worked for two years, having to pass up opportunity after opportunity because I have less than a hundred in the bank. Everyone screams rather than considers. There's no reasoned discussion, only thin skinned ideologues screaming at each other at the top of their lungs. I'm done with it all, and that's why I quit Facebook.

Last edited by Pinkbatmax
Edited 1 time(s).

Submitted April 25, 2015 at 12:06PM

Niceguy Eddie

 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Niceguy Eddie"
That's all good. (Sounds like a very wise choice, truth be told.) Just wanted to make sure you were OK. Keep being awesome! *hugs*

Submitted April 25, 2015 at 12:14PM


 Quote  Reply     

Quote from JD:
Hey friends, a little bit of news.

I've made some changes to the way the comment system works. Spammers were getting past at an alarming rate. One comic actually had over 300 spammy posts on it. Google contacted me and said they were going to blacklist this site, unless it was corrected, because of links to bad sites.
 So I had to get tough.  Warning

I rewrote code, then spent another 4 hours clearing all the spam out.  You can enjoy a nice clean site now.  However, keeping it clean is going to require some changes.

The comment system will search new posts for spammy words. If found, the post will be locked out and won't be visible. Also, if a post contains links, either in the name or the post itself, it will be flagged for moderation. Christine or one of her moderators can easily approve posts, and they will appear in the order they were posted. (the link in your name is only flagged if you change it, or if you have not used it before. It also only does it once per change)

I am working on a reputation system which will allow you to post a link or two without moderation, but that will take a bit longer.

Some good news:  You may now edit your posts, even as a guest, for up to one hour after posting. ThumbsUp

Of course, you may sign up with the site as a member, and most of these restrictions are lifted.

So, have fun, don't worry, and if you need any help jump up and down and scream a lot so I can see you. *don't really scream, the neighbors get grouchy*


WOW.  Yeah, I was deleting a bunch, but.......  This'll be MUCH better. Thanks!

Submitted April 25, 2015 at 3:14PM


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Sorry to hear about Facebook. I'm kind of disappointed, since I now don't have any place to show you my artwork (other than the fan art section here). You also had a lot of vintage comics panels on there that I enjoyed. I do hope you decide to reactivate your account there in future.

I get what you're saying about rabid ideologues, particularly the "you're not really trans if you don't do X" types. I didn't realize I was trans early enough, nor did I transition early enough, for some of the more militant types (they don't consider any extenuating circumstances as an excuse). If we plan to make any gains at all, we have to stand united, but all I hear is petty squabbling.

Submitted April 26, 2015 at 8:37AM

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