Irma's Bad Advice

To My Beloved Royalty...


Or I'll have to make 'em up myself, and what fun is that?

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Guest post by "Tarah"
CNRSON? Maybe the -. was supposed to be a .-

or maybe Cnrson likes the name Cnrson? (Wondering how they pronounce it)...

Submitted July 9, 2015 at 4:18AM

Nestor Notabilis

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Guest post by "Nestor Notabilis"
I've got a question, though I'm not sure it's worthy of the bad advice box-

Irma, where did you *get* the awesome Viking beard?

Submitted July 9, 2015 at 4:40AM


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Quote from Nestor Notabilis:
Guest post by "Nestor Notabilis"
I've got a question, though I'm not sure it's worthy of the bad advice box-

Irma, where did you *get* the awesome Viking beard?


Castoff from the theater costume room. ;')

Submitted July 9, 2015 at 4:16PM


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Guest post by "sleepyrobin"
I decoded the Morse as CNRSON (and, like Terah, I figured that the N was a backwards A).  Then I continued and saw Irma's response, which is baffling.  How did she turn the O + N into C + H + unrecognized?  "--- -." looks nothing like "-.-. ....", nor is there anything long enough to be an unrecognized character.  Even without the space, "----." would be the digit "9".

Submitted July 10, 2015 at 9:43PM


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Quote from sleepyrobin:
Guest post by "sleepyrobin"
I decoded the Morse as CNRSON (and, like Terah, I figured that the N was a backwards A).  Then I continued and saw Irma's response, which is baffling.  How did she turn the O + N into C + H + unrecognized?  "--- -." looks nothing like "-.-. ....", nor is there anything long enough to be an unrecognized character.  Even without the space, "----." would be the digit "9".

On account of "mistakes" and "sometimes people make them"? Is it really baffling that someone might get it wrong, translating an archaic code from a long obsolete technology, one that was hardly common knowledge in the first place? *shrug*

The real answer is that because I have so much work this semester and so little time, I can't really spend a huge amount of time doing these fillers, and double checking wasn't really a priority because, hey.... if she got it wrong, she got it wrong. I didn't feel that would run counter to her character, and it was funny, I thought.

Last edited by Pinkbatmax
Edited 2 time(s).

Submitted July 11, 2015 at 8:15PM


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Guest post by "Peaches"
You're absolutely right! It's your comic, shared freely with us, your adoring fans. It means exactly whatever you want it to mean. I didn't even try to figure that out, I just enjoyed listening to Irma.

Of course, any time something is placed on the web, it is likely to be disassembled, correlated and criticized. Sometimes it is for the better, sometimes not. Either way, we love what you give us, and we love you all the more for giving it.

Submitted July 12, 2015 at 8:22AM

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