The Princess

To My Beloved Royalty...

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Guest post by "animeviewer66"
oh so sad :(

Submitted June 10, 2016 at 9:59AM


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Guest post by "Ravenbird"
oh this will end up whit her black costume again...

Submitted June 11, 2016 at 3:19AM


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Guest post by "Bonnie"
well, I guess the discussion is going okay for one of the cute pair...

Submitted June 11, 2016 at 10:26AM

Ebony Gryphon

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Guest post by "Ebony Gryphon"
Ok. No. This would be for me, speaking as someone who has yet to have children and doesn't know the first thing about raising kids, this would be the cut off point. My son, or daughter, would not be allowed to date at this age in any circumstance. And I certainly wouldn't let them go out with a trans kid. And i know, that sounds horrible, but that's my feeling. They can play with them, hang out, and join in group activities, but no dating till they're fifteen at the very least and have a better grasp of what that means

Submitted June 11, 2016 at 6:44PM


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Guest post by "Ravenbird"

Quote from Ebony Gryphon:
Guest post by "Ebony Gryphon"
Ok. No. This would be for me, speaking as someone who has yet to have children and doesn't know the first thing about raising kids, this would be the cut off point. My son, or daughter, would not be allowed to date at this age in any circumstance. And I certainly wouldn't let them go out with a trans kid. And i know, that sounds horrible, but that's my feeling. They can play with them, hang out, and join in group activities, but no dating till they're fifteen at the very least and have a better grasp of what that means

Whats the worst thing that could happen?

Submitted June 11, 2016 at 7:56PM


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Quote from Ebony Gryphon:
Guest post by "Ebony Gryphon"
Ok. No. This would be for me, speaking as someone who has yet to have children and doesn't know the first thing about raising kids, this would be the cut off point. My son, or daughter, would not be allowed to date at this age in any circumstance. And I certainly wouldn't let them go out with a trans kid. And i know, that sounds horrible, but that's my feeling. They can play with them, hang out, and join in group activities, but no dating till they're fifteen at the very least and have a better grasp of what that means


I don't see kids that age as ready to date, either. I'm with you up to a point.....until you bring the 'especially not a trans kid" part into it. I don't get why that needs to be a factor.  That doesn't feel good.

Oy. Folks..... some little kids get little crushes. It happens. I'm not trying to do anything more than portray that in some of my characters. I know some don't think kids get those crushes. many don't some do. HAVING A CRUSH doesn't mean they're ready for any kind of adult relationship, or even comprehend what that means. They're still looking at things through the lens of a kid's eye view. Because Sarah is convinced she's on a grown-up-totally-a-date doesn't mean that's the case. We haven't really seen a whole lot from the adult's point of view here. We do know that Wendy and Jules' mom are going, and that Jules was encouraged to "bring a friend". And we see that Sarah THINKS she's going on a date. Does that mean that it is? Or can we wait and see how it plays out?I don't really want to have to break in and comment too much.... I'd rather let the story tell itself. Maybe I'm just being emotional because the Orlando massacre just happened. I dunno.

But if the "trans kid" is a factor on whether you think something is appropriate or no, I encourage you to interrogate that impulse. Not to discuss it here. Just consider, and keep on considering.

Submitted June 12, 2016 at 7:11PM

Ebony Gryphon

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Guest post by "Ebony Gryphon"
I don't have a problem with transexuality. But others do, and they impart that on their children. And those children bully the trans kid and anyone with him. Some of these oh so charming little fucknuggets have knives and parents who don't keep guns under lock and key. Why should I allow others childrens proclivities to put my own at risk?

I know. It sounds horrible, and I'd do all I could to help the child and mine. But if it came down to it, I'm protecting my kid

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Submitted June 13, 2016 at 3:58PM

Ebony Gryphon

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Guest post by "Ebony Gryphon"

Quote from Ebony Gryphon:
Guest post by "Ebony Gryphon"
I don't have a problem with transexuality. But others do, and they impart that on their children. And those children bully the trans kid and anyone with him. Some of these oh so charming little fucknuggets have knives and parents who don't keep guns under lock and key. Why should I allow others childrens proclivities to put my own at risk?

I know. It sounds horrible, and I'd do all I could to help the child and mine. But if it came down to it, I'm protecting my kid


Submitted June 13, 2016 at 3:59PM


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Guest post by "Ravenbird"
Any other minorities you're protecting your Child from?

that dos not sound horribel IT IS HORRIBLE.

Is this cowardly xenophobic way of thinking that makes it possible for this 
"charming little (i dont repeat that word)" to bully others.

Submitted June 14, 2016 at 12:10AM

Ebony Gryphon

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Guest post by "Ebony Gryphon"
You're right. I made it sound like he's a criminal, and that was wrong of me. But are you claiming my concern isn't valid?

Submitted June 14, 2016 at 1:16PM



Guest post by "Z"
I can't understand your concern. Is it seriously "I won't let my kid date a trans person because trans people are just lightning rods for violence"? 

Will you also not let your son date a woman? I mean, women face such huge violence and rape from men. Your son might get caught in the cross-fire. 

And you certainly can't let your son date a man. Look how much violence gay men face.

You better not let your kids date a person of color. I mean, look at the serious discrimination there. Gosh forbid it's a Muslim- he'll probably get lynched. 

Submitted June 17, 2016 at 12:21PM

Ebony Gryphon

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Guest post by "Ebony Gryphon"
Can I also mention how disengenuous the second part of your statement. Makes it possible for bullying, excuse me? If it was up to me, little charmers like that brat and his sister would be picking up trash and running laps till they collapsed for pulling stunts like that, and after that. I'd hand them off to their parents for further punishment. But its not up to me, is it?

Fuck... I mean really! We can't anything to kids like that lest we be called monsters and have all manner of legal chicanery descend upon us and ruination in our lives. And we can't encourage our kids to do anything lest they be viewed as bullies or "troublemakers" like the bullies themselves. All because we have to understand the bullies pain and being "a kinder gentler society"

And now I can't even suggest that my kids be careful or take steps to assure they are safe lest someoe have hurt feelings and thus I be labeled a bigot and some manner of phobe or whatever other name you give me.

So what do you want me to do pray tell in this scenario?

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Submitted June 14, 2016 at 4:32PM


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Guest post by "Anonymous"
Ebony, you share a similar philosophy to Sarah's mom eh? " My children need to be safe first even if that means they can't get to close to others they like." An understandable position but I am not sure if kids can distguish "stay away from that kid so you don't get bullied for being friends with them" and "stay away from that kid because there is something wrong with them". Even if they could what kind of message is that? "You know what son some people are different and they are put at risk because of the difference. The best thing to do is keep your head down and worry about yourself." That kind of philosophy is how the bullies win. " The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"- Edmund Burke

Submitted March 19, 2017 at 2:25PM

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