The Princess

To My Beloved Royalty...

So, next week the new strip will only be available to patrons of $5 or more. I'd also like to include thanks to all patrons of any level... I need to check in with people to make sure that's cool. Anyway, next week's strip will be available here in two weeks, and from there on in, they'll have that one week advance.

See patron link to the right. Click on the picture.

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 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Cassie"
So glad this comic is coming back! One quick thing though: there's so much compression on your images that it becomes a little hard to make out the details, and sometimes even read the text. Is it possible to aliviate some of that issue? Maybe using lossless files like PNG?

Submitted August 13, 2018 at 2:02AM


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Guest post by "sleepyrobin"
Sarah is about 10 in the original story (now flashback), I think...  How old is she in what's now the framing story?

Submitted August 13, 2018 at 3:49AM


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Guest post by "dagnytheartist"

I'm so glad you returned! I love your webcomic! I discovered it a couple of months ago, and it makes me happy that you're updating again!
This is an interesting way to bring back your webcomic; flashbacks to finish the past story, while showing that time did move forward. Now I'm really curious about what happened, how that reporter wrote a story that "ruined her life."

Submitted August 17, 2018 at 10:16AM

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