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Guest post by "z"
Guest post by "Tyler"
Possible. Could also be a coincidence, many stories have elves being wood-colored. That's likely not the case with Molly but I really hope we get some insight into her psyche here soon.
Maybe it's just me, but I think some people are being to hard on Molly. Yes, her behavior is wrong and unhealthy. But she is also, what, 8 years old? No one has taught her better yet and she isn't old enough to recognize for herself that it isn't right. Sarah might say something were she older and more mature, but they're little kids. I think calling her a creep and a stalker is taking it a bit far. Perhaps she is characterized that way, but she is just a kid, it's not like she's 25 doing this. I'm hoping Lucy steps in and fixes things a bit.
No one expects Molly to be perfect. Quite a few of us have said exactly what you did- we hope Lucy steps in and fixes things.
I don't expect Sarah to say anything because she seems to feel quite honored. Even many adults would- and trans folk (all marginalized groups) can be very vulnerable to it. It's hard to find people who truly accept you, although Sarah has a lot, and finding someone who not just accepts you but idolizes you is a major ego boost. Sarah may never get bored of Molly worshipping at her Transgender Altar, but that doesn't make the relationship healthy for either of them.
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