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[quote="RachelN"][quote="Niceguy Eddie"]
Guest post by "Niceguy Eddie"
I was reluctant to actually ask this, but here goes:
Am I way of the mark in thinking that maybe she's taking Sarah's being transgendered to be sort of a (and please pardon the expression, but...) "Freak like me" kind of thing? That she's latching on to someone who has SOMETHING, some aspect of themselves, that would potentially render then an outcast, as she feels had been?
That could certainly lead to some big time learning and growing experiences for both of them, but it certainly has the potential to be a bit darker than this comic has typically gone. And yes, I do remember the arc in which Sarah was attacked and sent to the hospital (the "I'll Rise" comic towards the end of that was arguably the most uplifting web-comic I've ever read) but a betrayal by a friend or admirer will always cut much deeper that any attack by a known enemy.
It's quite possible that's what Molly is doing, which is okay. As a child, a friend with whom I felt kinship would have been a gift from heaven for me. However, I haven't seen anything to indicate she would betray Sarah. Are you assuming that because others have used
Molly would turn around and use Sarah the same way? For all her annoying qualities, Molly seems too nice a kid to do that.
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