The Princess
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I really do not see how Molly can be viewed as this burgeoning psychopathic fiend. We know nothing of her family yet. Has anyone given thought to the idea that -maybe- her family are extremists (or probably just very loud and opinionated blowhards) and the ideas of Che Gobvara is Molly's way to try desperately to copy the people she's wanting to accept and love her?
That she's sharing it with Sarah doesn't strike me as strange, this is obviously part of Molly's life (though I don't believe she even understands it herself) and she's trying to include Sarah without realizing that
-this is not normal everyday conversation-
. Add social awkwardness and not knowing what tact is to an already lonely child who's hungry for acceptance and it's a recipe for disaster, on that point I'll agree, but what this girl needs is love, acceptance and someone -somewhere- to step in and help teach her there's more to life than "us vs. them" .
Also... she's drawn to be scary? *boggle* No. I took her style to mean she just lost on the genetic wheel of fortune and isn't one of the 'pretty' kids.
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