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Guest post by "sleepyrobin"
Btw, I've always thought that when people write about young kids, they often forget what life was like when they were presexual. For example, "Little Archie" seems to have the exact same story lines as mainstream "Archie", just drawn differently. From what
remember of that age, myself, nobody's actually interested in "dating"! (But playground "weddings" are still OK.)
So anyway, do what you think is best for the story, but don't feel compelled to throw in more relationships just to have them! Even boys/girls who will end up solidly cis/hetero will usually be spending more time with their own gender rather than the "icky" one!
I hear you. As for me, I alllllways had huge crushes, for as long as I remember. I was that kid. And in second grade, due to the influence of Grease, everyone in my school and in my grade, everyone was trying to mimic "dating" (although the reality was more of an agreement than any inclination to spend time together, as one would expect. At any rate, speaking of Archie I see Molly in this scenario being more Ethel than Veronica, meaning he'd have to dodge Irma AND Molly, which makes me giggle. Anyway, we'll see.
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