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[quote="Ebony Gryphon"]
Guest post by "Ebony Gryphon"
Can I also mention how disengenuous the second part of your statement. Makes it possible for bullying, excuse me? If it was up to me, little charmers like that brat and his sister would be picking up trash and running laps till they collapsed for pulling stunts like that, and after that. I'd hand them off to their parents for further punishment. But its not up to me, is it?
Fuck... I mean really! We can't anything to kids like that lest we be called monsters and have all manner of legal chicanery descend upon us and ruination in our lives. And we can't encourage our kids to do anything lest they be viewed as bullies or "troublemakers" like the bullies themselves. All because we have to understand the bullies pain and being "a kinder gentler society"
And now I can't even suggest that my kids be careful or take steps to assure they are safe lest someoe have hurt feelings and thus I be labeled a bigot and some manner of phobe or whatever other name you give me.
So what do you want me to do pray tell in this scenario?
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