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Guest post by "Ranthog"
If you only have the concept of being transgender or not, then what Irma/Irving is expressing is very confusing. I can't blame Sarah as it must seem confusing. It is one of those times where an adult might be able to explain better, like one of Irma's parents.
This strip really made it sink in that I really identify with Irving. The whole struggle to be who he is and not whatever someone else thinks his gender roles should be. (Even when being a girl she paints far outside the lines.) I've always felt comfortable with my gender, but never the gender roles that came with it. (After all boys don't cry or a whole lot of other things...) Trying to paint within those lines feels like a mean game to me, and the social order of school pushed me towards it.
Irma/Irving's attitude of being true to herself makes me smile inside...Even if it often makes me cringe a little because it often involves violence and I feel like Sarah about that. I appreciate that as I don't see a lot of characters out there that I relate to in that way.
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