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Guest post by "Amy!"
Sarah can be as peeved as she wants.
The difference between binary and non-binary is huge. The difference between Sarah and Irma is huge. If nothing else, it makes me wish that GQ and TS were not lumped in together under some dumb umbrella term (I still think it's BS for there to be a "T" in "LGBT", by the way. I think it doesn't belong there).
When you believe your family doesn't love you, when you hate your own body (or what it will become, which came up before when Jules mentioned her dad's hairiness), have a medical diagnosis, and require medical intervention in order to achieve some semblance of peace in your life, when you need to go through a brutally difficult (and expensive!) transition that's the hardest thing you have ever done, but you know that it is saving your life...seeing people "play" with gender like that has a way or irking you. Yeah, it's wrong, but I can totally see why it is bothering Sarah. Irma just puts on a fucking sweater vest and says she's a boy one day. But not tomorrow. That bothers Sarah, and in the real world, it bothers a lot of binary TS people. At least, the ones that I know.
And I know I'm painting with a really broad brush here, so take all this with a grain of salt. It's just some of my thoughts on Sarah's reaction and how I see that reflected in everyday life.
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