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Guest post by "Amy!"
Sorry for making people so pissed off! =(
Point form to preserve my barely functioning brain (I just got off work):
- I am not hostile to GQ/GF people. But the trans people I know don't exactly seem to keen on them.
- GQ people are GQ. That's what they are. Irma however, just doesn't like gender roles and norms, and wants to do whatever she feels like. Congrats Irma, you're like everybody else. I said before that she feels like a representation of GQ, but may or may not be. She seems to use gender as a way of "getting away with stuff". Stuff, in Irma's case, meaning violence and mischief. Maybe that's why Sarah is not too pleased.
- Pardon my language, but if your doctor doesn't believe you exist...you need a better fucking doctor. WPATH and the SOC are for TS, TG, and gender non-conforming individuals, so yeah, that extends far greater than TS people. Your doctor is shitty, sorry you ended up with a gatekeeper.
- For clarity, Irma is "playing with gender", not GQ people. GQ people are who they are.
- Pain is pain, I agree. Pointing out differences in the source or perceived intensity is meaningless.
- I, however, am not in pain. My wounds are not fresh. My life rocks, and so do my friends and family and even my co-workers.
- I guess my only real point was that TS/GQ people don't get along (in my experience). Normal bigots hate faggots, bigoted faggots hate trannies, and bigoted trannies hate GQ/GF peeps. That's just an observation.
- "And then I've met binary trans people who have next to no dysphoria, who have no problems presenting as cis of their assigned sex" *DOES NOT COMPUTE*
This is just total rambling, and I guess my statements of "grain of salt" and "broad brush" went unread, so whatever. I'll shut up now~
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