Guest post by "Auryn Grigori" Actually, no. Unless your grandfather came from a place where he did want his sons or daughters marrying "non-white" people because he was afraid that his sons or daughters would be killed for it, and was slowly but surely trying to get to a place where he still feared for their safety but was trying to respect who they were as people and trying to change himself so that his kids were, not the same thing one bit. The reason why she is making a big deal over it is that right now, she doesn't know this teacher from Adam. For all she knows, his opinion may be the same as Principal Victoria's, you know the one who not only condoned Sarah's bullying, but actually endorsed it as a method to "set 'Seth' straight, pardon the pun? " Of course, he doesn't, but how is Wendy supposed to know that off of one day of meeting him? And the fact that she feels that she needs to discuss Sarah with the teacher at all seems to me like a good thing. Because it means that she may actually be considering not hiding Sarah behind "Seth" at school. Of course, she doesn't know that Sarah is out at school, and it will be interesting to see how this plays out. She may go a few steps forwards, or ten steps backwards. But right now, she is using Sarah's name and correct pronoun. She has done Sarah's hair in a way that is feminine, and has gotten clothes for her. She passed down a necklace that seems like it has been passed down to the females of Wendy's family for years. And even if she doesn't know it yet, she actually paved the way for Sarah to express herself in school safely, or at least with the protection of school staff. For someone who "isn't trying very hard," she has done plenty, probably even more than Mar's mom was doing for him at Sarah's age.