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Quote from z:
Guest post by "z"
The thing is, she's latched onto her new ~TRANSGENDER~ buddy, who, by the way, is TRANSGENDER, did you know that? She was born MALE but now she's a GIRL isn't that so TRANSGRESSIVE? Haha, TRANS-gressive, get it?

Here's the strip that this girl first found out about Sarah: Notice that she has a friend with her, a person who's nice to her and shares information with her (ugh, this is so gross- Sarah didn't even tell her herself?), and she FREAKS OUT over Sarah being trans I mean OHMAHGOD that is so RADICAL  Also, Sarah and Irma (and Molly) start all playing together- so, again, Sarah is not Molly's only option. If anything, Molly and Irma have more in common- Molly shows no patience with Sarah's pacifism.

Just read the strips following that one I linked...This is not a lonely girl who's clinging to her only friend. This is a girl who's got a SERIOUSLY warped social justice view and a (platonic?) trans fetish. She's basically the personification of tumblr.

"Basically the personification of Tumblr" is the funniest thing I've read in ages.