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Guest post by "SeventhMoon"
I feel sorry for Molly quite honestly, both in terms of her character in the comic and in terms of reader reaction to her so far. She's lonely and she wants to feel special, that doesn't seem particularly incomprehensible or awful to me. She's expressing it in a way that I think the creator has done exceptionally well-- a very honest and appropriate portrayal for those feelings in a character this age. Not every child can be really clever and precocious. Many are. But most are more like this-- outward transparency to their inner hurt or lack. Children (or even adults) who sacrifice self for a feeling of belonging are not exactly uncommon (anything you want to do! anything at all!).  

Sarah has had some really wonderful role models and great people who accept her, support her, and both show and tell her ways to express herself sensitively and get needs met-- and where the author could have made this seem like a path to perfect happiness, she's instead shown that even smart and goodhearted Sarah has to stumble while she figures out what to do with that and how to apply it. 

Other kids in Sarah's universe, just like other kids out here in non-comic-land, maybe don't have such a fortunate hand dealt them when it comes to their social and emotional success. I mean, we already know Chuck's parents are neglectful when they're at their parenting best and abusive most of the rest of the time. We only have a throwaway line from Molly's so far, but they didn't seem that interested in engaging her about what's going on in her life, or that concerned about where she goes or what she's doing. Are they really busy with something and Molly feels left out? Could be anything. There are as many ways to parent as there are parents, and we don't know who else is in her life either or what other challenges she might be facing (might even be on the spectrum). There's a million possibilities here. I wanna see what they are before I'm all "eewwww Molly she's so annoying and fake she's just using Sarah to feel cool!"