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Guest post by "LibWingofLibWing"
I really can't wait to see how Wendy responds to this when she gets called. I'm afraid she'll be upset that Sarah joined the Girl Cadettes against her permission and will feel even more that her child needs to not be herself as Sarah in public because it will always end up with being hurt. But I'm hoping that Wendy's love for Sarah will make her realize it's Penny's fault not Sarah's and that the way to protect Sarah from people like Penny is to stand up for her as Sarah.

Also I wonder why Penny is able to accept Marta as a very butch tomboy but is sickened by Sarah being her true self and Irma playing with gender norms. I mean she obviously has problems with her two moms, but she doesn't seem to have a problem with Marta, who's she's got to realize has crushes on other girls like Irma. Makes me think she'd be mean to Sarah if she wasn't a Trans girl. Or is that she had a crush on Seth?