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Guest post by "Rachel N"

Quote from Pinkbatmax:
I updated my OS which somehow made my fonts disappear. This IS a computer generated font; it's simply one that I was/am able to afford right now.

Oh.... I didn't realize that. I meant no insult.

I must say, I'm on pins and needles, awaiting the next installment. I hope this latest development doesn't mean Sarah will have to go back to being Seth for a time. The poor child's had enough misery....

You know, I'm thinking of re-starting an old comic strip I abandoned years ago--it's about a little cerebral-palsied girl (non-transgendered) named Aimee. I may have to change the character's design now that I see your strip, because by pure coincidence, Aimee right now looks remarkably close to Sarah. I've toyed with the idea of giving her a transgendered best friend, but I don't know how well that would go over, since I'd like to try to syndicate the strip in the newspapers. 

Speaking of which, have you ever attempted to syndicate your strip? I'd say it's about time a strip with a transgendered character went mainstream.