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Guest post by "Mwuuh"
I recently stayed with my aunt and uncle for a chance of scenery and other reasons I shan't get into, and my aunt almost had a fit when she found out I was a lesbian, and even more so when she found out that her two kids (10 and 12) knew already.  She kept saying that she would not hold it against me and that she was all for gay rights and so on, but she did indeed pull the whole, "You have to understand that not everybody accepts homosexuality."

I just felt the rage boil in my body.  I said, "That's bullshit."  And that's the first time I've properly argued with a family member who isn't a parent or a sibling.  Needless to say I don't live with them anymore.

(As a side note, her two kids honestly didn't care whether I liked girls or boys.  When I told them I like girls, they replied, "Oh.  Why?" to which I replied, "I dunno, I just do."  They were like, "Oh, okay.")