Guest post by "Ravenbird" (Sorry formy language.My English isnot so good andI work a lotwithautotranslation.)
oh my godthisdisgustingexpression onthe faces of thechildren.
These childrenmaywant tohate someoneto feelbetter about themselves.Now thatoffendssomeonetogoverntheir thinking,they think theycan do sounpunished.
How oftenIamharassedin my youth? Even Idid not know whyI was different.
And evennowI show my"other"side,my"feminine" pagenotin public.Iriskirealreadyto liveopenly gay, butitcouldbe firedfrom myjob.
I ama kind ofsocial worker andI have to workfor ainstitutionof the CatholicChurch.40% of allsocialinstitution inmy countryare Catholicdirected.I can not justwork forsomeone else.
We have lawsforequalityof gays,lesbians andtransgender peoplein my country.ButChurch institutionscanneverthelesseach employeedismisswhen notlive according totheirmoralcode. Thus, thelawsdo not workfor social workerslike me. That is why IHATECatholic institutions. ...or may be not the institiutions... the false moral code of the church... (I hopeto be able togo to aprivateinstitutionwhere thelawsapply)