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I liked it, Guest.

Absolutely, Rachel. I find that I attract a pretty fair number of people who are super enthused because I'm transgender and make art about it. But, of those, a fair number imprint their values upon me and insist that I must share them. They feel betrayed when my thoughts and opinions do not match up with theirs, and in some cases become very angry about it. These are people who do not care to find out who I am, they're only interested in me in so much as I conform to their preconceived notions of who they think I SHOULD be. And, because I sometimes have trouble being tactful when I'm frustrated and sometimes attack rather than handle myself in a calmer, more measured way, it sometimes blows up into enormous, frustrating messes.

So, we have Molly. She's super psyched that Sarah's transgender, but (so far at least) is doing nothing to actually get to know her.