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Guys: I'm going to ask you to to be tolerant of all beliefs here. Not everyone believes the same thing. If you have a problem with someone else's beliefs, please find a different forum for that discussion. We're not gonna be making fun of different belief systems or lacks thereof, even if we feel it's deserved. Okay? That's a price of entry for this comment section, and something I'm gonna enforce.

I'm not gonna erase any posts at this point, but I'm considering it because I don't want this to go any further. I'm not gonna let this grow into a big ugly thing the way things tend to go. People believe different things. We may thing we understand why, but that's not always so. So let's just go with the mutual respect thing.

Sorry if I'm touchy on this issue. But, I'm touchy on this issue. So, yeah. Let's let that one go.