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Guest post by "Thelastinline"

Quote from Pinkbatmax:
Why not just enjoy the moment for what it is? I'm continually bewildered and a little dismayed at how constantly people predict "bad things happening".

Yes, there'll always be conflicts. Because it's a story. Based on life. But I feel like some of y'all aren't bothering to enjoy the nice moments, because you're really focussed on bad things happening in the future.  It's kind of sad, because I'm really proud of all my moments, and I work hard to make the joyous ones feel nice and warm and fuzzy and stuff. And... I dunno... when I do I wonder if I'm wasting my time because many people see happy moments and joys and brightness and it just makes them sad. I work to convey something lovely and a good number can only see portents of doom. I hope when I create these they'll be appreciated for what they are, you know? Yes, bad things happen. But that doesn't make the good things any less good. As true in this comic as it is in life.

I'm sorry if I offended you with my comments. That wasn't my intention. Maybe I'm a bit jaded. The kind of media I usually consume (be it comics, movies, video games or TV Shows) ist usually of the more dark and sinister variety. So I'm used to peacful and happy scenes just being a set-up for something terrible that is about to happen. I guess I should watch less Game Of Thrones or Park Chan-Wook movies. It's not that I don't like happy scenes like this. It is great that Sarahs mother is finally accepting her daughter for what she is and that both are happy. I'm just always expecting the worst.