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Guest post by "z"
I have to agree with Tyler. It's /possible/, but I see it as unlikely. Now that Penny is old enough to take care of herself more- she's brushing her hair and styling it nicely, she wears nicer clothes that look good on her, etc. That suggests, to me, that her parents never cared about her appearance- hence the scruffiness and dull clothing- and now that she's old enough to do something about it herself, she chooses a good appearance.

She's just a kid who has had far too many problems at home, likely never gotten the support she needs to handle that, and now takes out those pent up feelings on others. Sarah is an easy target because she won't fight back, so comes off as no risk, and it's socially acceptable to attack trans people. Her actions aren't excusable, but I really don't think it's because she's trans.