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Guest post by "Being Useful"
To the comic: Didn't they used to be friends?

To real life: Rock it. That you're trying to keep a schedule at all is awesome--I know of comics with HUGE budgets they've bilked their readers out of that go on random hiatuses, and then give lame excuses.

"Oh, yeah, well, I know it's been 68 days since the last update, but I forgot to buy groceries and I'm just too hungry to write, and because the artist won't work on it for another 9 weeks after I finish, even though you paid him $100k through our fundraising campaign. After we get that ONE done, we may try to get a weekly schedule. At least one a month, I promise!"

It's very impressive that you keep up your great level of art and a decent pacing on this while tending to so much else!