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Quote from Ebony Gryphon:
Guest post by "Ebony Gryphon"
Ok. No. This would be for me, speaking as someone who has yet to have children and doesn't know the first thing about raising kids, this would be the cut off point. My son, or daughter, would not be allowed to date at this age in any circumstance. And I certainly wouldn't let them go out with a trans kid. And i know, that sounds horrible, but that's my feeling. They can play with them, hang out, and join in group activities, but no dating till they're fifteen at the very least and have a better grasp of what that means


I don't see kids that age as ready to date, either. I'm with you up to a point.....until you bring the 'especially not a trans kid" part into it. I don't get why that needs to be a factor.  That doesn't feel good.

Oy. Folks..... some little kids get little crushes. It happens. I'm not trying to do anything more than portray that in some of my characters. I know some don't think kids get those crushes. many don't some do. HAVING A CRUSH doesn't mean they're ready for any kind of adult relationship, or even comprehend what that means. They're still looking at things through the lens of a kid's eye view. Because Sarah is convinced she's on a grown-up-totally-a-date doesn't mean that's the case. We haven't really seen a whole lot from the adult's point of view here. We do know that Wendy and Jules' mom are going, and that Jules was encouraged to "bring a friend". And we see that Sarah THINKS she's going on a date. Does that mean that it is? Or can we wait and see how it plays out?I don't really want to have to break in and comment too much.... I'd rather let the story tell itself. Maybe I'm just being emotional because the Orlando massacre just happened. I dunno.

But if the "trans kid" is a factor on whether you think something is appropriate or no, I encourage you to interrogate that impulse. Not to discuss it here. Just consider, and keep on considering.