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Guest post by "PerilousPerceptions"
I hate to say this to some of the people here, but it was never any non-gender binary individual's want to 'irk' you, or make you feel like your struggle is any less real or hard than it was before you met one of us. I have never once in my life as a bigendered individual ever considered that I was the same as a transgender individual, but in some ways what we wish to achieve is the same- a difference that others don't often understand, and that many people dislike us for going through.

With all due respect and Apropos to the aspects that may be considered harder (ie, surgery, hormones, etcetera)...there is no way of knowing whether a non bindary individual has or hasn't chosen to go through such things; the idea that none of us do is a misnomer, and colors the perspectives of others in certain situations to believe that we are somehow less 'serious' or less 'trans' than others. Personally, I was born a woman- at 25, I had both breasts removed because I identify as a bigendered being; being that I'm native american, I personally identify as a 'two-spirit', or an individual that fulfills perfectly equally the roles, spirit, mind, and heart of two different genders. 

And I can tell you right now that with no medical reason to have my breasts removed? Were it not an accepted part of my people's culture there would have been no way to convince a non-tribal medical professional that it need be done to make me more comfortable with my body...and also, being that I'm not singularly transgendered there is almost no way for me to receive any kind of hormones, because bigender people aren't fully recognized by doctors as being in need of any bodily adjustment, even if some of us have a deep, heart-breaking want to be both, somehow.

I would never criticize a transgender person or minimalize the things they go through, but in the same regard I would hope that they wouldn't minimalize my own must remember that they are indeed different coins, but they are made of the same metal. Silver is Silver and Pain is Pain; our experiences are different, but they can still hurt just as much as anyone else's, and they can hurt just as little, as well. Just as there are trans children with wonderful parents like Sarah's or with horrible parents that hurt them, the same can be said for any child, with any difference, or even with no difference at all.

I know that your wound is fresh and that it hurts- I understand that and I wish so much that I could help...but it hurts when people see my scar and think that because it's hidden, or healed a little bit smaller, that it never hurt at all. Everyone has wounds and scars...and we should all work on coming together and healing's the only way to make life better, I think.