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Part of the reason I'm doing this arc is to explore how often fellow travelers on the same or similar roads but with different definitions fail to understand each other. How conflict and acrimony can be more bitter between factions that are more like than unlike. Gwen Smith always relates this phenomenon this this film moment:

Not to say that transgender and nonbinary people are the same, but we are both at odds with the juggernaut of gendernormative culture that refuses to acknowledge any variation from the standard gender boxes. It's a shame, especially when we spend our energy fighting each other rather than making common cause to work together against the juggernauts that tower above us. But it happens again and again..... not just among us but with any communities of outsiders who are similar but not the same.

This is not Sarah's finest moment, I think we all agree. Is it understandable.... maybe? But is it right? Well, you'll all see what I think as the arc unfolds. But I can say this now: a lack of understanding is better handled not by reinforcing the barriers between and betwixt but by discussion and communication in the spirit of goodwill. Rather, not by defending the barriers but by making them unnecessary.

And let's remember..... these li'l differences between us are only one aspect that make us who we are. And when it comes right down to it, we all have far more in common than not.... we're all these limited, mortal things living on the same planet in a speck of a corner of a galaxy that's a speck in the corner of a universe, that may well just be one universe of an infinite possibility. With all that vast expanse of infinity, it's just us all here together, with a limited set of resources and sharing the very fragile and finite experience of being human. We already are far more alike than different. I dunno if that means anything to any of you as individuals, but that thought helps me keep things in perspective.

So how does that relate to these who kids in this fictional world? Well we'll see. But I'd like to give the final word to the sixteenth president of the country in which I reside:

“We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.” 
― Abraham Lincoln

My friends, please join me in raising a virtual glass to the better angels of our nature.