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Guest post by "Being Useful"
@Thelastinline Because she comes off as having some very terrible ulterior motive. It's the Free Candy van personified.

She doesn't like Sarah for Sarah, she sees some object, and it's shiny and pretty, and typically, that kind of personality tends to smash the "shiny and pretty" thing when it turns out to not be exactly as their imaginary ideal put it.

She mirrors a very dangerous, obsessive personality type, and Sarah will most likely end up being abused, mistreated, and greatly hurt.

Now, it's totally up to the author how this plays out, but in general, it's a "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" scenario. Someone who should be avoided at all costs. Sarah, being the innocent little thing she is, isn't ready to deal with the fallout from setting that kind of personality off, and in general, it means she'll likely get physically hurt, and make a very dangerous enemy for quite a long while.

When things like this happen in real life, it's often the need for restraining orders and early funerals. So, seeing all of the warning signs, and watching her recur and not deviate from it, it's very chilling.

It could be sent many other ways, but at the moment, Molly is highly characteristic of a dangerous abuse relationship, and Sarah is in the typical "vulnerable" stage that most abusers take advantage of to implant themselves into the victim's life.

Considering Sarah gets physically assaulted every few dozen pages, I fear for her safety greatly. This is a great comic, but if you've been paying attention, it's pretty dark. It's helpful, but Sarah does take a lot of punishment. Chuck and Penny take out their angst on her because she's a socially acceptable target. It's somewhat impersonal. Molly would be set up to hunt her.

I want to believe there can be a happy ending to that, but in general, it's not, and even if there is, it seems like it would be hard to sell it.

TL;DR: It's like watching the girl in a horror movie run upstairs--always a bad idea, and virtually never ends well. Confused