The Princess
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[quote="Pinkbatmax"]Okay, I need to make one thing extraordinarily clear first off: Fight Girl is a character I first used in Eve's Apple, and is a comic-within-the-comic in The Princess. She is NOT in any way supposed to represent Hit Girl from Kick Ass. I can not repeat this enough. I saw Kick Ass on Netflix's streaming service, and it disgusted me. I find it utterly revolting, and it sums up everything I see as being wrong in the superhero genre today. Again, because I can't say it enough, FIGHT GIRL IS
HIT GIRL!!!!!!!
As for her mom being surprised in that strip.... I completely see how that interpetation can be drawn from it as I created it. To me, she's merely emphasizing how unacceptable fighting is to her. As a teacher, when confronted with a student's repeated misbehavior, I am careful (or was... not teaching now) to be sure that every time my reaction emphasizes how unacceptable I find it, whether it's the first or twentieth time I've seen it.
Kinda the state of Irma's fighting and her parents is that she's punished and tries, often successfully, to wile her way out. It can certainly be assumed the parents are frustrated by this. I haven't really explored Irma and her parents and the issue of discipline because I haven't seen it as the most interesting story I could tell. Perhaps I should tell it?
And her parents aren't divorced. There's a story I intend to tell about how her family came to be. Perhaps the time for that is now?
Thanks for all the comments, folks! I love them!
The violin is the right one.
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