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Guest post by "charis maloy"
I think what Being Useful was implying was that we don't see Sarah living in her head much. This is not really a bad thing, as Sarah has ALWAYS known who she is, and is a really well balanced child. The only real internal issues we saw her deal with was coming to terms with Irma's fluidity. 

Medical professionals used to say that gender dysphoria was a psychological issue, so some folks might expect Sarah to be a bit messed up if they follow that line of thought. I think what is truly wonderful about Sarah is that, while she REALLY wants the world to understand and accept her, she refuses to let the lack of acceptance change who she is. 
Of course as she nears puberty, I imagine there will end up being a lot of internal stuff and a whole lot of convincing the mother for blockers. 

Maxy, on the other hand, is not so well balanced and so there is a lot of internal issues... she spends a lot of time talking to herself. 

In classic storyline conflict, you have shown man vs environment and man vs man with Sarah, while Maxy shows us man vs self... Perhaps Maxy draws a wider audience because more people need to see somebody winning the man vs self conflict.

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