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Quote from captmutt:
There are so many different feelings and beliefs on this subject matter. I applaud you for having the guts to tackle this subject. My hope for you is that people will be open minded about letting this play out before expressing opinions or citing "facts". I'm not trying to be a jerk here and I honestly feel that whatever your beliefs are, as long as you aren't hurting others, then you have the right to them. I've just meant to many that feel if you don't believe/worship as they do then you are wrong and your afterlife is in danger.


Yes, it's certainly a difficult topic, and one that has the potential to bring out everybody's worst selves. I try not to preach any one point of view, but rather reflect my character's views. These questions are intensely personal, and there's a lot of free flowing hurt that may flow toward or from any given belief system or institution. Given this, showing each other grace is, I believe, the best approach.