The theater. It's an art I've always wanted to be a part of. As a kid, doing kid pagents, I was pretty good at it. But later.... when high school politics were flaring, and adolescence was kicking my patootie, I shied away. Feared rejection. I didn't try out for anything. I stayed in the back. But I watched, longed, wished I had the nerve.... and perhaps the talent.... to be a part of it. I took classes in high school and college. I did very well in high school, had a very poor relationship with my professor in college. And that was it. Theatric ambitions abandoned
Regrets, I've had a few.... dozen. The days I flirted with that muse are decades gone. Today.... with anxiety, time, and lack of training well. The world of theater.... It's all beyond my ken. It's a regret that I never followed that avenue. But you can't redo your past.
You can draw a comic and have the main character be more bold, though.
Sorry for the subpar art of late. Gonna step it up!