
To My Beloved Royalty...

Second page of my storyboard assignment.
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Michael Leuchtenburg

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Guest post by "Michael Leuchtenburg"
Poor ogre. :(

Submitted March 20, 2015 at 3:02PM


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Guest post by "B"
Um where's the first page? I forgot to check this site for a while, and then I find this? I mean, I went back to see if it was something I missed, but I went back ten pages and it was pretty clear there was no Ogre Phobia 1...

Submitted March 21, 2015 at 6:33AM


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This is part of an assignment Christine is doing for school, I believe.  It's not canon, it's filler material so it doesn't show up in the archive. You can find the first installment of the poor ogre here: Ogre Phobia #1

Submitted March 21, 2015 at 7:36AM


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Guest post by "Ravenbird"
It makes me feel bad to see the Ogre Story and think about what or who the Ogre may stand for.
Makes me staring at a wall for a time.

I like the Sarah Storys, they are so happy and positiv, even in the darker topics.
*Want a tedybear or someone to hug now*

Submitted March 21, 2015 at 11:10AM


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Guest post by "alice"
I feel like that ogre a lot...

Submitted March 23, 2015 at 6:33PM

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