
To My Beloved Royalty...

This page has some faults in terms of storyboarding, but.....
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Guest post by "Palpatin"

Babys, gurgling happily and reaching out, can sweeten anyones day :> 

But it's parent doesn't seem to approve D:

Submitted March 26, 2015 at 10:38PM


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Has anyone else noticed that the ogress' dress is a larger version of the one Sarah usually wears?

Submitted March 27, 2015 at 2:05PM


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Quote from RachelN:
Has anyone else noticed that the ogress' dress is a larger version of the one Sarah usually wears?

Very true!

Submitted March 27, 2015 at 3:46PM


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Guest post by "Ravenbird"
No no no no no... Sarah has parents who accept her and support her whit a early help for her transition, no one will even realize she was born TG when is grown up...

Submitted March 28, 2015 at 6:12PM


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That ogre character could have been me in the early years of my transition. I'd get to looking the best I could, only to have someone (invariably young and male) make disparaging remarks about my appearance. Every single, solitary day.

And yes, I've had parents pull their kids away from me. Most of the time, though, I think it has more to do with the fact I'm in a wheelchair. If a child is even remotely curious about it, or (heaven forbid, asks me a question about it) the poor kid practically gets a dislocated shoulder from the parent yanking on the kid's arm.

Worst would have to be the time I was earning a bit of extra money by selling flowers. I had transitioned the year before, I think. A woman sends her two children over to buy something, and I overheard her saying, "Now don't you talk to him!" as if I were going to snatch them up and run off with them. Which makes me wonder why she didn't simply get the stupid flowers herself.

Submitted March 27, 2015 at 5:07PM

Being Useful

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Guest post by "Being Useful"
I kind of wonder if these are aggregate anywhere.

I noticed you can't page back to them, so they're not here after they're gone.

Submitted March 27, 2015 at 7:18PM


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The comics are still there, just not in the rotation of the regular comic.  They are fillers, and in this case fillers are not linked with the regular comic, as they tend to break the flow when archive binging.  You can make them show by noticing the jump in the page numbers and changing the url to be the one in between.  Or, Christine can choose to have the fillers display, or she can put them in a separate comic, but still here on this site (which I'd be happy to do for her if she wishes).

Submitted March 28, 2015 at 9:15PM


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Guest post by "Fox"
I really like the new pages. My only complaint about this comic is that page 355 won't load and I really want to know what was going on.

Submitted March 28, 2015 at 1:03PM


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Hmm, thanks for mentioning that. Don't know what happened to the comic image there, but it's been put back and is working now.

Submitted March 28, 2015 at 9:07PM

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