The Princess

To My Beloved Royalty...

Okay, this is apropos of nothing, but I have request:

IF you have to buy bottled water for whatever reason, make sure you're not buying it from places that take water that would flow into drought stricken areas? My local reservoirs are fed from the source that Crystal Geyser takes water from, and the fact that they're taking my water and selling it back to me all the while introducing pollutants into the water tables incenses me. We have emergency water shutoffs in my apartment complex, because of water shortages. The only other option would be to hike rents beyond affordability. It's just gross, so know where your water is bottled or better yet, get a filter and a reusable bottle and bring it with you. It's easy and cheaper. So much is taken from our area that needs it desperately. Some of the companies that take from my severely drought stricken area are: Crystal Geyser, Arrowhead, Dasanti, and Aquafina. Safeway water as well. At any rate, I'[d be grateful if you'd reconsider this practice.  At any rate, I'll end this PSA with a link. Thanks for your kind consideration.

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 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "NestorNotablis"
Is it wrong that I find it kind of cute that her Mom's accepted her......and is now enforcing 'proper' feminine dress standards?

Also re bottled water- If anyone else grows carnivorous/similarly fussy plants and has been advised to use bottled or rain water on em, with a little prep you can use tap. Adding a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice to tap water and letting it sit in the sun for a week or so removes most of the chlorine

Submitted July 8, 2016 at 4:58AM

Rachel N.

 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Rachel N."
I noticed the same thing about Sarah's mom and her choice of proper clothing (which raises the question, did she get the outfit or did Sarah's dad? I like that she's kind of saying to Sarah, "You want to be a girl? Then you take everything that goes with it--that includes not just learning how to dress like other girls your age, but occasionally wearing clothes you're not thrilled with." 

Sarah's tastes really do run toward the flamboyant, as if she dresses according to her fantasy of what a girl is rather than reality. A lot of adult trans people have made that mistake (including me).

She really ought to give the look a chance, though--it really suits her. AIso, I have to say I'm tickled by Sarah's "goth" comment.

As to bottled water, I never buy the stuff except in emergencies, such as when the water main is being repaired and I'm forced to go long periods without running water. I've often said, paying for water is a sure sign I've lost my mind.

Last edited by Guest
Edited 2 time(s).

Submitted July 9, 2016 at 1:55AM



Guest post by "animeviewer66"
I must disagree on that one, her mom is being very mean, not letting her express herself  

Submitted July 11, 2016 at 12:39PM


 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Moose"
I feel you on the drought. It's tough here in California. Glad I've always had a dislike for bottled water, even if it's more because of the taste than unethical business practices or pollution.

Submitted July 8, 2016 at 10:56AM


 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "animeviewer66"
and the mom is being mean again :(

Submitted July 8, 2016 at 12:04PM

Nelly Dreadful

 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "Nelly Dreadful"
Awwww. Mum doesn't seem to realize how important a symbol and armour dressing as a princess is. I realize that past a certain point a paper crown stops being considered cute and starts being considered weird, but... Okay, well, the weird ship has probably sailed, frankly, and supporting her self expression is important.

Wouldn't the best compromise be to maybe buy Sarah a more "grown up" tiara? A beaded tiara headband? Those teeny sideways goth lolita crowns? Get her something princessy and pretty that would still feel like a crown while working for everyday! She could even buy Sarah some beads and supplies and a tutorial and help her make some of her own, the way she made the paper one! Mother/daughter crafting activity!

Submitted July 8, 2016 at 7:15PM


 Quote  Reply     

Not real crazy about her Disney '30's look. I suppose this is her mom's way of trying to keep her little girl just that. I've noticed that you are starting to draw all the children a little older than you did at the beginning so this does seem an appropriate reaction from her. I think Sarah has started using it as a crutch, as if she can't be a princess without it. I hope she thinks about all those she's met who accept her and love her for who she is. Maybe then Sarah will realize she doesn't need the crown to feel special.

Be happy. Do what you want to do. Hurt no one.

Submitted July 9, 2016 at 1:15AM


 Quote  Reply     

Guest post by "sleepyrobin"
I never buy bottled water -- and some brands are just filled from tap water anyway!

Submitted July 9, 2016 at 3:39AM


 Quote  Reply     

Quote from NestorNotablis:
Guest post by "NestorNotablis"
Is it wrong that I find it kind of cute that her Mom's accepted her......and is now enforcing 'proper' feminine dress standards?

Also re bottled water- If anyone else grows carnivorous/similarly fussy plants and has been advised to use bottled or rain water on em, with a little prep you can use tap. Adding a few drops of vinegar or lemon juice to tap water and letting it sit in the sun for a week or so removes most of the chlorine


Wow... I didn't know that. I only have an aloe because you have to go out of your way to mess up a succulent.

Submitted July 13, 2016 at 5:25PM


 Quote  Reply     

Quote from Rachel N.:
Guest post by "Rachel N."
I noticed the same thing about Sarah's mom and her choice of proper clothing (which raises the question, did she get the outfit or did Sarah's dad? I like that she's kind of saying to Sarah, "You want to be a girl? Then you take everything that goes with it--that includes not just learning how to dress like other girls your age, but occasionally wearing clothes you're not thrilled with." 

Sarah's tastes really do run toward the flamboyant, as if she dresses according to her fantasy of what a girl is rather than reality. A lot of adult trans people have made that mistake (including me).

She really ought to give the look a chance, though--it really suits her. AIso, I have to say I'm tickled by Sarah's "goth" comment.

As to bottled water, I never buy the stuff except in emergencies, such as when the water main is being repaired and I'm forced to go long periods without running water. I've often said, paying for water is a sure sign I've lost my mind.


I admit I was surprised by how much blue suited her. Me, I love pink, and red, orange, and yellows. But what I look BEST in are jewel toned greens, blues, and purples. Pink is not flattering for my coloration.

As for water, I keep a pitcher in the fridge for emergencies. I don't filter it, but that's me.

Submitted July 13, 2016 at 5:32PM


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Quote from sleepyrobin:
Guest post by "sleepyrobin"
I never buy bottled water -- and some brands are just filled from tap water anyway!


And some of those... STILL from drought zones!  Besides, still water is breeding ground for microbes. Things grow in water that's still, which is why it fouls.

Last edited by Pinkbatmax
Edited 1 time(s).

Submitted July 13, 2016 at 5:35PM

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